Rosin Top in Silk | Classic Black
A tank top with adjustable straps that allows you to choose the depth of the cleavage, made of high quality silk that has a natural shine and makes you glow.
Pair it with pants or a skirt for an everyday stylish look, or wear it with our Karen skirt to create a gorgeous evening gown, perfect for any occasion.
*Dry cleaning only
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- Our clothes ship priority from our studio in Tel Aviv to anywhere in the world.
- Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.
- Delivery to the house 35 ILS (arrival time 3-5 business days).
- Free shipping on purchases over 500 ILS to the customer's home - (which will appear to the customer in the shopping cart, how much he needs to add to the purchase to receive free shipping)
- Self-collection from the studio at no cost, collection by prior arrangement.
Replacement / Returns
- Within 14 business days of receiving the item.
- An item purchased on sale can be exchanged up to 5 days from the date of receipt.
- Return with courier - cost 35 ILS.
- Return / exchange will be given provided the product has not been used and the product is returned in its original packaging with the garment label.